EXR 100T Vintage Motion Picture Film - 36F

EXR 100T Vintage Motion Picture Film - 36F
Another “Vintage Film” stock for you crazy film nerds! We have loaded up some EXR 100T this time and it’s pretty stunning! It’s been preserved well and the images on the page are images from this exact batch of film. As we load more from other cans we’ll update the images so you know what you’re getting!
This is an expired film stock and should be shot as such. By rating the film at 50asa you’re compensating for the expired nature of the film.
We highly recommend shooting “tungsten” balanced stocks using an 85B filter while shooting in daylight situations. This corrects the temperature from 5600K to 3200K and helps with grading the images in post.
Cartridge is DX Coded at 50asa.
Film contains remjet and therefore recommended to be dev’d in ECN2 chemicals.